Archivo delle Categorie: Artists | Page 2


Questo è un elenco parziale degli artisti che in questi anni hanno collaborato con noi, o che lo faranno nel prossimo futuro.

William Parker


Place of Birth: Bronx, NY Date of Birth: January 10, 1952 Education: Private studies with Richard Davis, Jimmy Garrison, Wilbur Ware and Paul West. Fellowships, Prizes, Grants, Honors, Residencies -New York State Music Fund commission of “Double Sunrise Over Neptune,” performed at Vision Festival XII in June 2007-Named as one of the “50 Greatest New […]



Brio is a band from Zagreb, Croatia. This duo was formed somewhere in 1999 and played its first show in 2001. Since its formation, and with members coming from Zagreb punk-rock, noise-rock scene, Brio has devoted itself to practicing and performing free-improvised music. Brio has made a couple of DIY records, two of which (At […]

Peter Evans

Peter Evans

Peter Evans has been a member of the New York musical community since 2003, when he moved to the city after graduating Oberlin Conservatory with a degree in classical trumpet. Peter currently works in a wide variety of areas, including solo performance, chamber orchestras, free improvised settings, electro-acoustic music, jazz and composition. As a performer, […]

Glauco Benedetti

G.Benedetti (25)

Glauco Benedetti(classe 1987) intraprende lo studio della tuba in giovanissima età, iniziando presto a collaborare con enti lirici e sinfonici. Accanto all’attività di orchestrale coltiva da subito l’interesse e lo studio di altre tradizioni musicali quali jazz, rock e pop, esplorando le possibilità del proprio strumento nei più vari e spesso inconsueti contesti musicali. Ha […]

Tommaso Cappellato

Tommaso Cappellato

Tommaso Cappellato è un batterista e compositore eclettico e creativo. Forte di un groove deciso, nutrito da 9 anni di residenza a New York, studi alla New School University e due anni come leader della house band alla prestigiosa Rainbow Room, arricchisce il suo linguaggio con viaggi in diverse parti del mondo tra cui Africa, […]



Laboule è Paolo Novellino: nasce a Milano nel 1984 e cresce in Valtellina fra monti e arrampicate sugli alberi. Chitarrista di nascita e polistrumentista per necessità e spirito d’avventura, passa il tempo in valle ad esplorare la chitarra suonando e fondando svariate formazioni musicali. Dal 2007 al 2010 co-produce due dischi come batterista per i […]

Lilies On Mars

foto lilies press

Lilies on Mars sono Lisa Masia e Marina Cristofalo, musiciste con sede a Londra affascinate dallo spirito DIY, hanno prodotto e mixato il loro debut album in Aprile 2009, masterizzato da B. Gautier, produttore dei Cure, Paul McCartney, Fleet Foxes e John Peel. Lo stesso anno le Lilies debuttano live con Franco Battiato al teatro […]

Keith Tippett


Keith and Julie Tippett are among the most important European jazz musicians (improvisers, composers, arrangers) in the last 40 years. The extent of their work is vast both individually and as a couple; here is a short story around an epic journey. Keith Tippett has become the father figure of postmodern jazz piano in the […]

Alan Silva


Silva was born a British subject to an Azorean/Portuguese mother, Irene da Silva, and a black Bermudian father known only as “Ruby”. At the very height of racial segregation in the United States, Silva emigrated to the United States at the age of five with his mother, eventually acquiring U.S. citizenship by the age of 18 or 19. He adopted […]

Burton Greene


Originally from Chicago, he began his long career of many recordings and performances in New York´s legendary jazz scene of the 1960’s.  He and Bassist Alan Silva contributed to the beginnings of free jazz in New York with the formation of their Free Form Improvisation Ensemble.  He also co-founded the East West Trio with Indian […]

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